About the K-12 Scholars Academy
In most countries, a pronounced achievement gap exists between students from high socioeconomic status (SES) and low SES backgrounds.
The Abraham’s Tent Scholars Academy aims to bridge this gap by providing an accessible, safe, and supportive learning environment free of tuition for children in rural Guyana.
Current Program Goals
Provide a well-rounded K-12 education inclusive of core and elective subjects
Maintain tuition-free status through donor contributions
Staff highly qualified and experienced educators inclusive of Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and IEP Teachers
Provide school supplies to accommodate all current grade levels
Maintain smaller class sizes in order to ensure personalized attention for each student
Offer in-school meals (breakfast and lunch), free to economically disadvantaged students
Future Program Initiatives
Complete construction of high school classrooms
Expand grade levels to encompass 8th through 12th grades
Provide adult education programs in literacy and technology
Establish after school and summer programs, activities, clubs and organizations. (Eg; Swimming lessons, chess, gymnastics, etc.)
Transition entirely to solar energy